Describe you husband in 500 words or less...?

affectionate, allegiant, ardent, attached, circumspect, confiding, conscientious, constant, dependable, devoted, dutiful, dyed-in-the-wool, enduring, fast, firm, genuine, hard-core, honest, honorable, incorruptible, loving, obedient, on the level, patriotic, resolute, scrupulous, sincere, staunch, steadfast, steady, straight, string along with, sure, tried, tried and true, true, true-blue, trustworthy, trusty, truthful, unchanging, unswerving, unwavering, upright, veracious, authentic, careful, close, concrete, correct, defined, definite, deft, detailed, discriminating, discriminative, distinct, exact, explicit, factual, faithful, genuine, judicious, just, literal, matter-of-fact, methodical, meticulous, on the button, on the money, on the nose, particular, proper, punctilious, punctual, regular, right, rigorous, scientific, scrupulous, sharp, skillful, solid, specific, strict, systematic, true, ultraprecise, unerring, unmistakable, faithful, resolute, forthright, frank, honest, open, overt, right on, square, straight, straight from the shoulder, straightforward, truthful, up front, believable, candid, correct, exact, factual, faithful, forthright, frank, guileless, ingenuous, just, legit, like it is, literal, on the level, on the up and up, open, outspoken, plainspoken, precise, real, realistic, reliable, righteous, scrupulous, sincere, square, straight, straightforward, true, true-blue, trustworthy, truth-telling, unfeigned, unreservedadventurous,audacious, aweless, bold, brassy, brave, cheeky, chivalrous, confident, courageous, daredevil, daring, dauntless, enterprising, fearless, forward,fearless, firm, gallant, game, gritty, gutsy, hardy, heroic, indomitable, intrepid, lionhearted, nervy, plucky, resolute, spirited, spunky, stalwart, stouthearted, strong, unabashed, unblenching, undauntable, unafraid, uncurbed, undaunted, undismayed, unfearful, valiant, valorous, venturesome,admire, adulate, be attached to, be captivated by, be crazy about, be enamored of, be enchanted by, be fascinated with, be fond of, be in love with, canonize, care for, cherish, choose, deify, delight in, dote on, esteem, exalt, fall for, go for, gone on, have affection for, have it bad, hold dear, hold high, idolize, long for, lose one's heart to, prefer, prize, put on pedestal, think the world of, thrive with, treasure, venerate, wild for, worship,affectionate, all heart, altruistic, amiable, amicable, beneficent, benevolent, benign, big, bounteous, charitable, clement, compassionate, congenial, considerate, cordial, courteous, eleemosynary, friendly, gentle, good-hearted, gracious, heart in the right place, humane, humanitarian, indulgent, kindhearted, kindly, lenient, loving, mild, neighborly, obliging, philanthropic, propitious, soft touch, softhearted, sympathetic, tenderhearted, thoughtful, tolerant, understanding,cooperative, generous, handy, helpful, hospitable, kind, neighborly, obliging, on deck, on tap, polite, unselfish, humble, reticent, retiring, shy, affable, amicable, attractive, benign, breezy, buddy-buddy, caring,charming, cheerful, cool, copacetic, cordial, cozy, dear, devoted, doting, easy, engaging, fond, friendly, genial, good-humored, good-natured, gracious, kind, kindly, lovable, mellow, mild, obliging, pleasant, pleasing, princely, Big old pussycat, responsive, right, righteous, sociable, sweet-tempered, swell*, tight*, warm, warmhearted, winning, kind, lovey-dovey, loving, mushy, nutty about, partial, soft on, sympathetic, tender, warm, warmhearted,admiring, affectionate,amiable, amorous, anxious, appreciative, ardent, attached, attentive, benevolent, concerned, considerate, cordial, demonstrative, earnest, enamored, erotic, expressive, faithful, fervent, fond, friendly, generous, impassioned, infatuated, kind, liking, loyal, passionate, respecting, reverent, romantic, sentimental, solicitous, tender, thoughtful, valuing, warm, warm-hearted, worshipful, zealous,admirable, aristocratic, athletic, august, beautiful, becoming, clean-cut, comely, dapper, elegant, fair, fashionable, fine, good-looking, graceful, impressive, lovely, majestic, noble, personable, pulchritudinous, robust, sharp, smart, smooth, spruce, stately, strong, stylish, suave, virile, well-dressed, well-proportioned,adorable, agreeable, alluring, beautiful, beckoning, bewitching, captivating, charming, comely, enchanting, engaging, enthralling, enticing, fair, fascinating, fetching, glamorous, good-looking, gorgeous, handsome, hunky, interesting, inviting, looker, luring, magnetic, mesmeric, pleasant, pleasing, prepossessing, provocative, seductive, tantalizing, teasing, tempting, winning, winsome, admirable, alluring, angelic, appealing, beauteous, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delightful, divine, elegant, enticing, excellent, fascinating, fine, foxy, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand, handsome, magnificent, marvelous, nice, pleasing, pretty, pulchritudinous, radiant, , resplendent, splendid, stunning, sublime, superb, well-formed, wonderful,amorous, ardent, desirous, erotic, hot, libidinous, loving, lustful, romantic, sexy, steamy, wistful,acute, cognizant, conscious, emotionable, emotional, feeling, fine, high-strung, keen, knowing, , perceiving, perceptive, precise, psychic, reactive, receptive, responsive, seeing, sensatory, sensile, sensorial, sensory, sentient, supersensitive, susceptible, tense, ticklish, tuned in, turned on to, understanding, astute, canny, clever, deeply perceptive, discerning, discriminating, incisive, ingenious, insightful, intense, intuitive, judicious, keen, observant, penetrating, perspicacious, piercing, quick-witted, sensitive, sharp, smart, subtle, able, active, athletic, big, capable, durable, enduring, energetic, firm, fixed, forceful, forcible, hale, hard as nails, hardy, hearty, in fine feather, muscular, reinforced, robust, rugged, secure, sinewy, solid, sound, stable, stalwart, stark, staunch, steady, stout, sturdy, substantial, tenacious, tough, unyielding, vigorous, well-built, well-founded, well-made, glorious, wonderful, arresting, august, chivalric, commanding, elegant, elevated, exalted, excellent, fine, glittering, gorgeous, grand, high-minded, imposing, impressive, lofty, magnanimous, magnific, majestic, noble, outstanding, proud, radiant, regal, resplendent, rich, royal, smashing, splendid, standout, stately, striking, sublime, sumptuous, superb, superior, superlative, towering, transcendent,aplomb, assurance, backbone, boldness, brashness, certainty, cool, courage, daring, dash, determination, elan, faith in oneself, fearlessness, fortitude, grit, hardihood, heart, intrepidity, mettle, morale, pluck, poise, presumption, reliance, resoluteness, resolution, self-possession, self-reliance, spirit, spunk, sureness, tenacityaggressiveness, audacity,bravery, certitude, conviction, coolness, effrontery, faith, firmness, impudence, nerve,, positiveness, security, self-confidence, surety, temerity, trust

You're gonna be a tough act to follow....