After 5 years the cancer is back...April 19, 2009

April 19, 2009
First of all, Dave is well on the mend and feeling much better. I won't say he is 100% better, but I wouldn't be remiss if I said probably 80% better. Still having a lot of stiffness in his spine and some leg pain, but the nausea and loss of appetite are abating more each day. It is good to see him eating with gutso again. We have a break for at least 7-10 doctors appts, so Dave headed to the coast for a couple of days. He left this morning to go to visit some of our friends in Wrightsville beach for a few days and hopefully, I can join him mid-week for a day or two. His sister, who also lives there, came this weekend and he decided to go back with her. I think a change of scenery is just what this "doctor" ordered.
Last week, we had yet another consultation with a radiological oncologist. This was in reference to the latest tumor found in the brain. Even though several of the consulting doctors have said that the mass in the ventricle looks different that the others, it may be because it is in a fluid filled cavity, instead of tissue, so it has to be investigated.

Because of the location of the tumor and the blood vessels that feed it, it is almost impossible to pursue the normal course, which is biopsy. That leaves us with observation. In 4 more weeks, Dave will have another MRI and the mass will be measured for growth. If there is none, we will wait a bit longer, say 6-8 weeks, and have another MRI. If there is still no growth detected, we will wait several months and repeat the process. In other words, if it isn't growing visibly, it may not be a renal cell tumor. Although that is highly unlikely, it is still a possibility and I am taking that as a positive thing.
If it turns out to be RCC, then Dave will have a procedure done, called stereotactic radiosurgery or "Cyberknife". This is a cutting edge technology, were microbeams of radiation are used. It is precise, less injurious, and more successful that many radiation treatments. 9 out of 10 people who have this treatment see dramatic results, with minimal side effects because of the manner in which the dose of radiation is given. This is probably the best news we have had through the course of this whole ordeal.